Wednesday 23 November 2011

Authenticity of the Aeta Culture

The video below will showcase the authenticity of the Aeta’s culture through music and dance where visitors were invited to participate.

This interaction between the Aetas and tourists are evident that there is an understanding between people and culture. One positive impact is to encourage civic involvement and pride which is no doubt evident and very apt in this video. The Aetas are still embracing and preserving their culture. Even in the presence of tourists, it remains unchanged and cultural exchange is taking place during the interaction while dancing.

In addition, here is an extract of what a tourist said of an Aeta man:

“Despite their small size, however, they are very skilled people. The traditional Aetas impress me more than many of the most well-learned doctorate-holding scholars bred by modern civilization today, simply because Aetas live naturally off the land. They are able to live off and live together with this tropical land. They have no sense or need for money and have subsistence down to an art.”

The tourist was thoroughly impressed by the Aetas’ coexistence with nature.

It is said that their land is their life. The continuity of their way of life are rooted in the land where they were born and have defined their humanity. Their land of origin in the mountains and forests of Mount Pinatubo is not only the source of their sustenance, it is also home to their identity and culture.

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